Residential Sod
Sod for DIY Homeowners
Residential Turf Louisville, Ky
Sodding your Yard
How to Get Started
Hoosier Turf cuts your sod grass when you order it. You get the freshest sod that is ready to be installed on your prepared surface. Get an instant yard by buying sod from Hoosier Turf.
Our residential sod buyers are typically the DIY crowd. We love the do-it-yourself type because of their willingness to learn and their hard work to save money. If you are thinking about buying turf for your home, give us a call to order your sod and follow the steps on this page to get started on laying your own sod.
Mark & Clear your Area
Start by marking off the area you want your sod to grow. Use spray paint to outline the area. Next, remove all the current grass from the marked area. Renting a sod cutter from a local store can typically save time and only cost around $100. Once you have your dirt surface exposed, remove any rocks and level out any low or high spots. Adding a little fresh topsoil can be a good idea.
Measure Your Area
Ordering the right amount of sod is very important. You don't want to have to stop and buy more from Hoosier Turf. We recommend measuring numerous times and making sure your calculations add up each time.
The best way to measure for sod grass is to figure out what shape best resembles your area. Is your area just a square or is it just a circle. Use our info graphic to determine what measurements you need to take or visit our sod calculator page to run your numbers without doing any math.

Laying Your Sod
DIY Sod Installation
Laying turf is not rocket science. It can be done fairly easy but just requires a little hard work and the willingness to get dirty. For our DIY residential sod crowd, follow these steps and your grass will take root in no time.
Starting Your Row
Your first row of sod should be laid straight. Start by finding a straight edge such as a sidewalk that runs your front yard and start there. Butt your first row against the sidewalk or straight edge you are using. Make sure not to overlap the ends or leave a gap between each roll of sod. When you start the second row of grass you have to make sure you stagger the ends of the rolls of turf. The ends of each roll of sod should never line up with the row before it. Think of a brick pattern. That is how the sod should lay.
Cutting the Sod
There will be times where you need to cut the roll of grass to make it fit in the place it needs to go. Cuts usually occur around landscape edges and spots where sod rolls meet. You can cut your grass with any sharp knife. A razor knife works great, so keep one handy.
Watering Sod
Watering sod you have just put down is the most important aspect to keeping it alive. You will need to keep your grass soggy for about the first two weeks. A little water will not cut it. The sod needs the water to grow the roots into the soil that you laid the rolls on. Once the roots have taken hold into the soil you can scale back watering and mow it for the first time.