Sod Care and Maintenance Tips
Healthy sod comes from proper care
Watering Your Sod
Begin watering your new sod within a half hour of installation. Apply at least 1 inch of water to keep the soil beneath the sod very wet.
Avoid hand watering your sod because it does not provide uniformity. Using hose-end sprinklers provide consistent coverage to your sod.
Fertilizing Your Sod
Sod should be fertilized with a 10 - 10 - 10 fertilizer at 15lbs per 1000 sq ft. You should fertilize your grass in the Spring and the Fall but never fertilize during the hot summer months.
For more detailed information, contact your local extension service to have a soil sample evaluated to determine what is best for your new sod.
Your sod can me mowed once it has rooted into the soil. Never cut more than 1/3 of the grass blade. Cutting your sod too short can make your lawn more vulnerable to diseases.
Weed Prevention
While you can hire companies to spray your yard, I have found that using Ortho Weed B Gon MAX works the best for the diy residential crowd. It easily attaches to a garden hose and can be sprayed onto your lawn.
You can buy Ortho Weed B Gon MAX from any local home improvement store.
Sodding your Yard
Hoosier Turf cuts your sod grass when you order it. You get the freshest sod that is ready to be installed on your prepared surface. Get an instant yard by buying sod from Hoosier Turf. Our residential sod buyers are typically the DIY crowd. We love the do-it-yourself type because of their willingness to learn and their hard work to save money. If you are thinking about buying turf for your home, give us a call to order your sod and follow the steps on this page to get started on laying your own sod.